Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
Please bring any referrals or operation reports you may have. Also bring along any reports or images you have had taken (eg xray, MRI, CT, nerve conduction studies, ultrasounds etc).
Do I need a referral?
No a referral is not required unless you are funded under Worksafe, TAC, DVA or have an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC).
Will I get a rebate?
If you have private health insurance with Physiotherapy extras cover you will be eligible for a rebate. The amount you receive will depend on your level of cover.
The Enhanced Primary Care program is a scheme ran through Medicare to help fund people with chronic conditions under a care plan with up to 5 consultations annually. You will need to speak with your GP to see if you are eligible. There is a small out of pocket expense for these consultations.